Saturday, January 8, 2011

Prologue: Reworking History Pt. 2

After completion of the physical works (About 2.5 months in total - particularly due to minimizing labor costs vai DIY) to get the outlet operational - then came the daunting task of pulling everything together - Implementing a system of operations for the business, and to ensure that it is one that can also generate sufficient income and eventually be profitable to further develop the idea.

This post is a little bit more of the step-by-step procedures to get a FnB outlet into operations - and also the interesting bumps we encountered trying to implement them. Talking about business, it reminds me of a time when we purchased a door sign reading something like this:

Somehow or somewhere we actually developed the business model after these principles LOL.. Oh well...

Generally, FnB operations doesn't seem quite complicated, but then again:

The general sections in an FnB outlet would be something similar to Bar, Kitchen, and Front. We had to then address each section individually:

Scope: The serving area, hand wash basin, restrooms and basically everywhere a guest is allowed to access

The front's sole purpose is literally to serve guests well from arrival, seating guests, serving them the menus, receiving orders, moving orders to the kitchen, serving out dishes and drinks, presenting the bill, and finally sending off guests as they leave and cleaning up the dining area. Not that complicated, but in practice we certainly do have numerous little blunders here and there, especially in keeping the front row organized and avoiding a mess of dishes and orders.

In simpler terms, the front is the cushion between guests and well, the management (or staff). It cushions any incoming assaults from the guest's end and vice-versa (Yeah... we do try counter attack a lot too) - all while serving with a big smile whether they like it or not. Quite crucial actually, considering that the front is all that the guests will experience.

Scope: The cash register, serving counter, drinks making counter, and also chillers and freezers for the bar

Moving on to the bar or drinks making section, this sections runs the responsibility of keeping guests happy while the kitchen struggles to prepare the food to fill their empty stomachs. Shall the kitchen be delayed - we stuff them full of water, juices, milk, and various sweet stuff - hoping that it will keep their cool, and also add on to the 'fullness' of their meal :P

Scope: The whole food preparation area, and storage for stocks.

The kitchen has only the sole purpose of churning out food as fast as they can, under any conditions whatsoever - whether the stock pot is full or not, whether or not there is meat in the fridge, whether or not there are any onions left (yeah, you get the idea). While doing so, they are required to juggle the 3 ends of the equation: Fast, Good, Cheap >.< As much as we would like to force our guests to choose only TWO, unfortunately we still require their 'moneh', so as the common saying goes:

Fast, Good, Cheap, and A lot!

Well, that was the easy part - planning that is.. Hell came when we tried to implement the menu and put it into operations where we had no choice but to slash nearly a quarter of our proposed items due to operational issues -> Storage space, active stock capacity, preparation time, and more importantly the capacity for the crew to duplicate the preparation procedures accurately.

Other issues came to fore - right down to little petty squabbles between crew members, issues with simple personal hygiene and cleanliness and well, we had no choice but to address them one by one. Things grew pretty complicated quickly, especially with the limited number of 'heads' to keep sections managed well.

There were fun quirks though - During our training for the crew, there were times the kitchen sent out fried rice in the shaping bowl and guests complained of eating from a flower pot, not to mention drinks tasting worse than your grandma's healthy juice concoction and waiters bumbling over themselves trying to serve out dishes and take orders.

A recent shot of the crew - yep were still goin
Somehow, we made it - at a cost of course, simplified as 'training expenses' - oh well, money can still settle a lot of our problems after all.. With the first week over and clear - the message was clear - its either to make it succeed and build the dream, or let go and let it fall with a big hole in our pockets. Sometimes we do wonder why its worth it all after all. Many of us could continue living easier lives off the 'makan gaji' with our educational background. But I would guess we have a bigger idea in mind while its still possible.

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