Monday, December 5, 2011

Under The Covers: Pursuing An Ideal

Its been a while since we had time to stop by - This time were looking further ahead - as to the reasons why we are here. Making that decision to step out and take a chance wasn't quite easy, and it did take a while and quite a bit of a reality check before realising that there might be no turning back. As expected, humans are not that fond of change and surprises in reality, though once they reach a point of acceptance, they progress much more smoothly than expected.

Looking back, we have always dreamt of an ideal - a happy, bustling developing community perhaps - where there is no suffering, little pain, and much of the worries and stresses of the day being non-existent. For many, this is indeed the ideal civilization - though when taking a step back into reality, we all know by now its probably quite impossible to reach such a status. Nevertheless, we still strive for it at the very least.

The idea of moving into FnB and entertainment focused heavily on the younger generation, people like you and I - whom knowingly or not, determine the future for our generations. In a time where social media reigns, sometimes I ask the question, can Facebook or Twitter ever be a replacement for real life? All of you would probably agree with me with a resounding "no". Despite that, when we look at the undercurrent driving these sites - it is clear the true answer could be as far off as "maybe". Have we been so privileged that we have started to miss the point? The fact that life is all about reality - and that anything else can never be a substitute? During the older days, children learned of various skills, handicrafts, painting, communicating with others - but in the age we know today, its more like the ability 'hao lien' on your Facebook.

In an age where we spend our time in virtual reality, we have decided its about time that we need to spend some efforts to create more value in the society. As there was a saying in business about the market, where only the true products of value will stand against speculation. We are essentially trading with value rather than anything else. However, in the information age, we have been putting too much value on things that apparently do not hold any significant worth! Will having the 'best' Facebook account guarantee the best relational skills on the planet? Not quite - but the other way round, yes! All these is a part of substitution, similar to replacing real food with processed food, and then bearing the consequences.

To sum it up, most of our young today spend their time entertaining themselves. Its going to take quite a bit to find ways to 'entice' them into activities that might actually create more value than simply 'hanging out', 'drinking and be merry' and 'gossiping'. Interest groups have always been an asset to the society as these groups pursue special interests which indirectly inject more value into the society - simply because interests and efforts are focused towards a common goal, other than the self. Its a long journey into working towards this ideal - but we are certain the first step needs to be made, the movement into 'alternative' entertainment in hope of passively fostering values into our peers. What happens after that is entirely up to the individual at hand.